An upgraded version of our PHT-026, this Seven-in-One meter now also
has a BUILT-IN RECHARGEABLE BATTERY to save you from the
hassle of buying, placing & replacing button batteries. Now all you have
to do is charge the Built-in Rechargeable Battery the first time you use it,
then recharge it again as needed. The built-in battery can last for 4 to 5
years, with standard charging time of approximately two (2) hours.
The PHT-027 can measure up to seven range, ORP(MV), pH, CF, EC,
TDS(PPM) °F and °C.The Multi-parameter Water Quality Monitor is a
versatile, high-accuracy multi-parameter instrument with reliable multi
probe system and with all the functionality of a multi-parameter system.
Featuring simultaneously measures and pH, mV, °C or °F and EC, CF or
Easy to use and indeed an affordable one, which made it possible for non-
technical and technical personnel alike to measure dissolved solids, pH,
ORP, conductivity and temperature on the spot, accurately and
inexpensively throughout a variety of applications. No more switching
meters to measure the pH, °C or °F and then the EC, CF or TDS of a
solution. Tests that usually require different tools but with PHT-027 it
covers all seven measurements.
High acidity or alkalinity can cause direct physical damage to skin, gills
eyes and reproductive cycle of fish. Prolonged exposure to unwanted
excess substances can cause stress with sometimes-fatal consequences.
Changes in either acidity or alkalinity can exert a powerful influence over
both water quality and water chemistry, and will have a marked effect on
the fish health and filter activity.The fast, efficient, accurate and portable,
more precise measurement meets the requirements of your routine multi-
measurements. And it comes with FREE pH6.864 and pH4.003
Simultaneously analyze water quality parameters with a single submersible system! This the real
deal. Here at GainExpress, not only do you get 2 FREE calibration solutions and your choice of power adaptor, you
also get a FREE ORP electrode. Only GainExpress gives you a FREE ORP Electrode.